AG Grid Theme

If you need more flexible customization of the display of tables, we recommend using the AG Grid library. Vuestic UI provides a ready-made style theme for this library.

Also, we provide styles for HTML Table and have own data-table component:

AG Grid installation

To start using AG Grid, install the dependencies in your project.

npm install @vuestic/ag-grid-theme

Then import the stylesheet that defines the grid "structure" into the main.* file and apply the ag-theme-vuestic theme on the grid component.

  <ag-grid-vue class='ag-theme-vuestic' ... />

Depending on your project setup and or your purposes you can import pre-compiled CSS styles {'@'}vuestic/ag-grid-theme or {'@'}vuestic/ag-grid-theme/scss to use our SCSS mixins.

// main.*
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'

import '@vuestic/ag-grid-theme'
// OR
import '@vuestic/ag-grid-theme/scss'

Default usage

To render a vuestic-style table correctly, you must provide the table dimensions (width and height), dataset (rowData) and column definitions ( columnDefs) according to this dataset.

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The theme supports the use of the classes ag-theme-vuestic--striped to highlight each even row of the table and ag-theme-vuestic--hoverable to highlight a line on hover.

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Filters and sorting

You can provide some options for the definition object to enable filtering and sorting.

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Rows pinning

To pin rows at the top or bottom, simply provide an array of rows for the pinnedTopRowData and pinnedBottomRowData properties.

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You can enable pagination for the table by providing the required properties.

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Cell editing

Provide editable property to column definition and then double click or press Enter on selected cell to enable editing mode.

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