Color Input #
Input component that allows you to select a color.
Examples #
Basic usage #
By default use this component with v-model
Disabled #
All user interactions can be disabled.
Props #
Name | Description | Types | Default |
ariaOpenColorPickerLabel | The aria-label of "open color picker" button. |
ariaResetLabel | The aria-label of the "reset" button |
autocomplete |
| - | |
autofocus |
| |
background | The color name of the background color |
| - |
clearable |
| |
clearableIcon | Sets the cleaning button icon. |
clearValue | Component value that will be used as new value when component is cleared |
color | Color of the component (theme string or |
counter |
| |
dirty | Sets the dirty state of the component |
disabled | Applies |
error | Show component in error state. |
errorCount | Number of error messages displayed. |
errorMessages | Error messages for the component. |
immediateValidation | Sets the validation to be performed when the component is mounted |
indicator | Sets the indicator style. |
innerLabel |
| |
inputAriaDescribedby |
| - | |
inputAriaLabel |
| |
inputAriaLabelledby |
| - | |
inputClass |
| |
inputmode |
| |
label | Same as native |
loading | Indicates that something is loading (spinner icon). |
maxLength |
| - | |
messages | Description messages for the component. |
modelValue | The value of the |
name | Applies |
| - |
pattern |
| - | |
placeholder |
| |
preset | Named preset combination of component props. |
| - |
readonly | Doesn't look disabled, but acts like one. Mostly useful for wrapper components. |
requiredMark | Adds required mark to the label |
rules | Validation rules . |
stateful | Add possibility to work with component without setting |
strictBindInputValue |
| |
success | Show component in success state. |
tabindex | Sets the custom |
type | Will be used as value for html |
Events #
Name | Description |
update:modelValue | The event is triggered when the component needs to change the model. Is also used by |