Switch #
Switch component turns on or off the state of your custom option
Examples #
Default #
This is basic usage of switch component.
Color #
You can customize color.
Label #
Switch can be labeled on the left or on the right.
Custom Label #
You can label any state of switch.
Inner Label #
You may put a label inside of a switch.
Size #
Switches have 3 different sizes.
State #
Switch can be in disabled or readonly state.
Loading #
You can mark a pending state of switch.
Custom Values #
You can set custom values for true and false state of the component.
Indeterminate #
Error #
Switch has an error style.
Props #
Name | Description | Types | Default |
ariaLabel | The aria-label of the component |
arrayValue | Takes the value of a switch in an array of switches |
color | Color of switch |
dirty | Sets the dirty state of the component |
disabled | Applies |
error | Show component in error state. |
errorCount | Number of error messages displayed. |
errorMessages | Error messages for the component. |
falseInnerLabel | Inner label when unchecked |
falseLabel | Label when unchecked |
falseValue | Value when unchecked |
id | Applies |
immediateValidation | Sets the validation to be performed when the component is mounted |
indeterminate | Same as native |
indeterminateValue | Overrides a state value that is not set. |
label | Switch label |
leftLabel | Moves label to the left |
loading | Indicates that something is loading (spinner icon). |
messages | Description messages for the component. |
modelValue | The value of the |
name | Applies |
offColor | The background color when switch is off |
preset | Named preset combination of component props. |
| - |
readonly | Makes switch read only |
rules | Validation rules . |
size | Specify size for component. |
stateful | Add possibility to work with component without setting |
success | Show component in success state. |
trueInnerLabel | Inner label when checked |
trueLabel | Label when checked |
trueValue | Value when checked |
Events #
Name | Description |
blur | On blur.. The event argument is:
focus | On focus.. The event argument is:
input | On value change.. The event argument is:
update:dirty | Fires when the dirty state changes |
update:error | Fires when the error state changes |
update:errorMessages | Fires when the error messages change |
update:loading | |
update:modelValue | The event is triggered when the component needs to change the model. Is also used by |
Slots #
Name | Description |
default | Slot for label. |
innerLabel | Slot for inner label. |
Css Variables #
Name | Default Value |
--va-switch-display | inline-block |
--va-switch-checker-margin | auto |
--va-switch-checker-transform | translateX(0.3rem) |
--va-switch-checker-height | 1.5rem |
--va-switch-checker-width | 1.5rem |
--va-switch-checker-active-background-color | #ffffff |
--va-switch-checker-background-color | var(--va-secondary) |
--va-switch-checker-border-radius | 50% |
--va-switch-checker-box-shadow | 0 0 0 var(--va-background-border) |
--va-switch-checker-transition | all 0.2s ease |
--va-switch-checker-wrapper-transform | translateX(0) |
--va-switch-checker-wrapper-top | 0 |
--va-switch-checker-wrapper-left | 0 |
--va-switch-checker-wrapper-bottom | 0 |
--va-switch-checker-wrapper-right | 0 |
--va-switch-checker-wrapper-width | 100% |
--va-switch-checker-wrapper-height | 100% |
--va-switch-checker-wrapper-transition | all 0.2s ease |
--va-switch-checker-wrapper-pointer-events | none |
--va-switch-label-left-padding | 0.3rem |
--va-switch-label-right-padding | 0.3rem |
--va-switch-track-border-radius | 1rem |
--va-switch-track-height | 100% |
--va-switch-track-width | 100% |
--va-switch-track-background | var(--va-background-element) |
--va-switch-track-box-shadow | inset 0 0 0 var(--va-shadow) |
--va-switch-track-transition | background-color 0.2s ease |
--va-switch-inner-cursor | pointer |
--va-switch-inner-height | 2rem |
--va-switch-inner-width | auto |
--va-switch-inner-min-width | 4rem |
--va-switch-inner-border-radius | 1rem |
--va-switch-sm-inner-height | 1.5rem |
--va-switch-sm-inner-width | auto |
--va-switch-sm-inner-min-width | 3rem |
--va-switch-lg-inner-height | 2.5rem |
--va-switch-lg-inner-width | auto |
--va-switch-lg-inner-min-width | 5rem |